Monday 20 May 2013

May You Be: Thankful

Hi everyone!

Thank you. Two simple words that don't mean a whole lot in isolation but put together they can mean the world to someone.

Growing up, I was taught manners. Always say thank you when someone does or says something nice for you or about you. Always say thank you when someone gives you something regardless of whether you like it or not!
Thank you, thank you, thank you. It's so simple.

Here, however, are a few fun ways you can express your gratitude to someone, when you feel 'thank you' just isn't enough:

  • Bake them their favourite cake
  • Create home-made "gift vouchers". You can offer them "a day doing all their laundry", "a back massage", "cups of tea on demand" etc. Use your imagination.
  • Make up a gift basket of all their favourite food, beauty products, scented candles etc
  • Personalise a mug for them using a plain white mug + a Sharpie. Draw on the design e.g. "Thank You" and bake in the oven for 30 mins at 170 degrees c.
  • Offer to babysit their kids while they enjoy a night out
  • Wash their car
  • Send them an email everyday for a week, with the words "Thank You" in a different language every day
  • Bring them out for a meal or a cup of coffee
  • Send them a bunch of hand picked flowers
  • Make them a hand made card
  • Send a letter listing the reasons why you are grateful + why their have benefited from their generosity
  • Write them a thank you song or poem
  • Paint a picture where words like; thank you, thanks, grateful, gratitude, appreciative, merci etc feature heavily in it
  • Buy them something you know they have had their eye for a while
  • Give them a big hug!
There are so many ways to show your gratitude, I have listed but a few. I bet you could think of tonnes more. Leave a comment and let me know what the best 'thank you' you ever got was. Have you expressed your appreciation in an inventive way? I'd love to hear about it.

By the way - Thank You So Much For Stopping By, I Really Appreciate It!

I hope you are having a beautiful + creative day


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